Monthly Board Meeting, Cardinal Conference Room, 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier VT; Thursday, August 15 at 7:30 AM

and on Microsoft Teams


Adjourned: 7:33 AM

Present: Al Flory, Jim Tringe, Maureen Hebert, Peter Hood, Rob Boulanger, Megan Foster, Danielle Pelczarski, Jody Emerson, Monica Urquhart, Reuben Stone, Dave Rubel (Quorum)

Staff: Melissa Bounty, Abby Jenne


Motion to approve minutes of the June 20, 2024 meeting:

Jody Emerson

Seconded by: Danielle Perczarski

All: Aye


Treasurers Report: Reuben Stone

·        Balance Sheet

·        Profit and loss comparison

·        Corrected June and July financial report

Motion to Approve Treasurer’s Report for June and July 2024:

Peter Hood

Seconded by: Al Flory

All: Aye


Chair’s Comments: Jim Tringe

Preview of Executive Director’s report-Open Meeting changes

·        Committee updates and Open Meeting changes

·        Annual meeting update

·        Board Nominations


Administrative Report: Abby Jenne

·        Municipal Fundraising

·        Nominations for Business of the Year and Innovator of the Year


Executive Director’s Report:  Melissa Bounty

·        Guidance from the state has been received regarding BEGAP

·        Budget revisions will be required from Finance Committee and Executive Committee

·        Open Meeting Law changes presentation and discussion


Motion to adjourn:

Al Flory

Seconded by: Danielle Pelczarski

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 AM

Next meeting: September 19, 2024, Cardinal Conference Room, National Life, Montpelier, Vermont and on Teams: