If you have already received an award for flood damage in 2023 and are seeking additional assistance you may now apply for Supplemental BEGAP grant funding.

Here’s how!

If you head to the ACCD’s BEGAP website here, https://accd.vermont.gov/BEGAP                                                    

 And click on the button that looks like this:

To log in, please enter the username and password you created in 2023.

If you have forgotten your password, please enter the username and click “forgot password.”

You will need access to a cell phone and the original email address in order to proceed.

If there is an error message or you are still unable to log in, please email the CVEDC for assistance at: info@centralvermont.org.

After logging in, click the one that looks like this:

(This is the same for the actual application, as well.)

To request the BEGAP Supplemental Application all you need to do is fill out the first two questions and upon choosing option 3 here on question 2:

The page transforms from the BEGAP application into the Supplemental BEGAP Request.

Upon completing this inquiry, you will receive a full application by email once your eligibility is confirmed.

Please click here to see a Supplemental BEGAP request filled out with further guidance:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@centralvermont.org or call 802-223-4654.

For technical issues with the BEGAP site itself, please email: ACCD.BizFloodGrant@Vermont.Gov