Central Vermont’s 2023 Regional Project Priority List

Each year, CVEDC with its regional partner Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission asks businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities in our region to submit the projects they are working on that contribute to economic development in our region.

A committee made up of board members from both organizations rank and score the projects based on criteria described to us by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. We provide back a list of the top ten ranked projects for ACCD to review and keep in mind as funding decisions are made throughout 2023.

We are pleased to announce that thanks to the diligence and work by the committee, the top 10 projects have been determined and submitted to the State. Here’s a look at the projects that will impact our region in 2023:

  1. VCFA Buildings Purchase by New School

  2. Neck of the Woods Vermont Childcare and Early Education Center

  3. Town of Berlin - Scott Hill Loop

  4. Cabot Waterbury Store Demo & Test Kitchen

  5. Prospect Height Project - City of Barre

  6. Stone Arts School Infrastructure Project

  7. Habitat for Humanity Carbon Negative Affordable Housing Development

  8. Curtis Pond Dam Repair

  9. VCFA - Condo Association and Parking for new business

  10. Montessori School of Central Vermont (MSCVT) Expansion Project

    And we additionally support these applicants:

  11. Confluence River Park

  12. Northfield Sewer Line

  13. Cabot Childcare


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